Hi again, Been awhile.

The start of Hell Gate Gorge, Dartmouth Grant, Erall NHclouds descending Sunrise in early October over Lake Sunapee NH from The White Shutters community OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAView from the end of Cressy Point, Newbery NH Very eery  !OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Heading Home after a fun day on Lake Sunapee OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Looking east from the top of Browns Hill over  Lake Sunapee NH on a bright October afternoonOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

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I Love Snow?

This gallery contains 16 photos.

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Sailers dreams and Fishermens skeams


optimistic sunrise

Heading out

Going out to sea is almost always a crap-shoot. Will the sun shine or will it rain? Will you find fish?

Dont loose it

Will you catch fish?

Great Day at White Island

Will the fog roll in to make you wish you’d stayed in the harbor.

Net vs Reel

But even on the bad weather days we long to be on the waves.


But its thous prefect day when the sun shines just enough to warm your face and the wind blows just strong enough to get the boat to heal and your hart to pound that make all the waiting worthwhile.

sails like wings

Just a little to port

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The sky is calling

southern twilight

This was taken one evening when the hole sky looked like a billowing quilt all in shades of purple and salmon and although the western sky was more vibrant the southern view had a more interesting landscape.

morning mist at Hell Gate

This is one of the perks of being an early riser. Taken just after sun rise (though no sun was visible) the mist real gave the Hell Gate at Dartmouth gate a Fairy Realm feel.

fire in the sky at Hell Gate

Though it must seem that I manipulated the color of the sky, this is truly what it looked like that evening at Hell Gate. Though I did have to manipulate the exposure of the for ground to get the wild flowers to join in to the composition. Isn’t it just amazing how a few hours can change a scene.

Northern twilight

Sometimes less IS more.

where the fish hide

With a muted pallet the serenity become the image.

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Motorcycle watercolors?

This gallery contains 6 photos.

I shot this in June of 2009 on a trip along the Blue Ridge Parkway. I think that the thought of an image of moving motorcycles as a water color painting interests me because of all it contradictions. The noise … Continue reading

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Morning walk

The nose, knows

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