Sailers dreams and Fishermens skeams


optimistic sunrise

Heading out

Going out to sea is almost always a crap-shoot. Will the sun shine or will it rain? Will you find fish?

Dont loose it

Will you catch fish?

Great Day at White Island

Will the fog roll in to make you wish you’d stayed in the harbor.

Net vs Reel

But even on the bad weather days we long to be on the waves.


But its thous prefect day when the sun shines just enough to warm your face and the wind blows just strong enough to get the boat to heal and your hart to pound that make all the waiting worthwhile.

sails like wings

Just a little to port

About windfallimages

So here’s a little about me, In 1985 I graduated cum laude from New England College with a BA in Visual Arts. While there, my major interest was photography and I had the pleasure of studying with David MacEachran, Marguerite Walsh, and Farid Haddad. After graduation, I continued my education in art with courses at Notre Dame College in Manchester in computer-generated art with Harry Umen. While there I received 2, second place awards in juried shows at the Manchester Institute of Arts and Sciences. Then I spent two semesters in the UNH woodworking department studying with Lee Schude. In the last 25 years I have used my visual and physical skills to develop a successful design, build and remodeling business. “Windfall Woodworking” With time on my hands due to the down turn in the construction business I have returned to my interest in photography. With the new With the new technology that is available I decided to explore the idea of photography as fine art by using Photoshop to manipulate my images to accentuate the emotion in each photo. Making the photograph look more like a painting seams to make it easier the connect with the underlying emotion of the image.
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